Will's First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, July 25, 2011

July 25th, 2011

There is so much to blog about. I have not been on here in a while as you can tell lol. I have been to the doctor recently. I heard the babies heart rate again. It was a NICE and STRONG 175. =) It is looking more and more like a baby girl to me every day lol. Since then, I have been having terrible headaches. Someone told me to go get poweraid or gatoraid, that i may be dehydrated. It seems to be working so far. Brinkley and I came back to Alabama For a month, while Jeff went to Cali. Brinkley has had a great time here. It is almost time for it to end tho. But i get to bring Mason home with me, so she can have a play mate. ( Mason is my almost 2 year old Chi-Chi, that hates Jeff so i had to leave him here). But anyways, i added a new adition to the puppy clan haha. Also while I have been home, Brinkley went to the vet. She is very sick. She has to take meds, and eat special food for her tummy. They think she has a stomach empting problem, that will not get better. My poor baby can not do anything without her meds. SHe even knows when it is time to get them. For right now she likes taking them. Hopefully it will stay that way when she is about 14 lol. But this is all i can think of for tonight. I will try to write more tomorrow. Oh and i put up a picture of mason on the side, so go look at him lol.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

trip from bama

So today is July 9th. I am 10 weeks and 1 day pregnant. Im going to change my thing at the top of the page to make it right. I went to the doctor in Alabama on July 1st. This was my first actual doctors appt. I thought I was only going to be about 9 weeks pregnant, but then they put everything in the computer and it came out different.  The due date from the calculator is January 28, 2012. Then we went to the ultra-sound room. Jeff, my Mom, and I got to see Baby A. We have about 4 ultra-sound pictures. I am going to put one up in a second. But the ultra-sound measurment of Baby A said it will be due on February 2nd ,2012 that the baby was measuring a week behind . So it may be a small baby or the due date calculator is wrong lol. Im going with the January one. But all this happened on the first. We told the family on the second of July. They were so excited. We told them in a card that I made. I will scan it  when we get a printer. But it was so cute. I saved one. Ok and here is the ultra-sound picture. I love it. This is the one we gave to all the moms and dads in the card along with a cute saying too. We gathered everyone  for dinner that night and gave it to them before we all ate dinner.  It was pretty cool if I say so myself. But this is my little peanut like I was saying. I love to look at all the time.
Now I am going to put up the baby crib and dressing station and cradle pictures. Cant figure out how to put them together. But the crib and dressing station are the Cocoon 1000 series, this is exactly what it looks like. And this is the cradle. It is a DaVinci Cradle. I have the bedding also. It is blue and brown polka dot to match our bedding in our room. I love both of them. Cant believe we already have most of the big furniture. We also have a changer too. We are going to put it together soon, and i will take a picture of that too.