Will's First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

 Ok, so this is a long over due post. I am now 34 weeks and 3 days pregnant, I only have about 39 day until he is expected to arrive. Life is changing very fast. But Christmas is just around the corner. It does not even feel like Christmas this year. This is my first time away from my family for it. It is a little sad, but I now there will be several more missed holidays. We did go home for Thanksgiving. I was very excited about it. I have never missed that holiday either. I guess that is all a part of getting married, and starting your own family.
But since the last post, nothing has really changed. We finished Wills room. There is a picture posted below of what it looks like. I will post more soon with a new blog. But we have just been getting ready for his arrival. There is only 39 days until he will be here. Mason is getting a terrible attitude the closer his arrival gets. He is getting to where he wants me to hold him all the time. He will also not stop following me. I am getting sick of my little shadow lol. But Brinkley is doing better. She is getting to be a little sweeter to her daddy lol. I think she knows daddy will be spending a little more time with someone else soon, and not her. I do not think she is as jealous as Mason is tho. I just hope as the time gets closer, they start acting a little better. But I can not thin of much else to say. So I am going to make dinner. ttyl
his dresser

his dresser
chest of drawers


view from the crib

the crib

view from the crib

Friday, October 28, 2011

Up to now.

OK, so I have not posted on here in quite some time now. About 5 wees I think. But this is my last belly pic. It is 25 wks and 2 days. I am almost 27 weeks now. This Sunday I will be 27 weeks. But also my Husband and I moved into our new base housing the beginning of this month. It is shown here on the left. It is alot bigger than what we are use to. I am still trying to figure out where to place everything. But I love it. Pictures will be on Facebook. =)

 But here is a picture of Will's coming home outfit. His Nana Cici got it for him. We love it, and can not wait for him to wear it, in 92 days. =) He has so many clothes now. We still have alot more to get for him. He has a good start on everything I would say. He has got it made lol.
 This is his bedding. Its Zachary by Nautica. And Snoopy is in his crib lol. I love the bedding we picked out for him. Hopefully he loves it too. And the last two pictures are of his furniture. His crib, changing table, and his dressing station. I hope everyone enjoys the pictures. And this short, but to the point, blog lol. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

20 Weeks Update

 Monday afternoon at 2:30, I had an Anatomy Ultra-Sound scheduled. It took about 30-45 minutes. It was great. We have a healthy Baby. This is one of the great pictures the tech took. Jeff and I got to see the Heart, Bones, see how much the baby weighed, AND drum roll please!!!! the Sex of our child... We kinda had a bet going on what we would have. Lets just say that this Mommy lost bad LOL. The first thing the tech asked us, was if we wanted to know the sex? Of course we said yes. She started the ultrasound and said 'WOW, I normally wait until the end. But would you like to know the sex now? The baby is in the perfect position.' We were so excited to hear that we did not have to wait to hear what we were having. Then she said, 'OK, so do you see this??? You are having a Baby Boy!' Jeff was shocked. He expected me to be right, like normal. Then she asked if we had a name, and we said no, but we have options. Then she proceed to show us around on our little man. =) We say everything. I am a very excited Mother. We are going to name him William Blakely Andrews, and will call him Will for short. =). But anyways LOL, I put a belly pic on here. It is a 20 weeks and 2 day picture. Also I put 
 a picture of Wills Nursery. It is called Zachary by Nautica.  There is a lamp in this picture. It is a boat base, with a simple striped lamp shade on it. The boat looks like the one in the bedding. Also I am going to take the rug and light switch cover from William by Nautica. Zachary does not have this option. I might take a border from the William Collection, also. But this is about it for right now. We are very happy parents. Jeff talks to Will every night, and gives him kisses, and likes to try to feel him move around. Will always starts to move when Jeff moves his hand ha ha. I find it funny. But anyways, I will post more in a few days. Think I am going to make me an early dinner. I hope everyone enjoys reading this. I enjoyed writing it. =)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Recently in August...

Wanted to start off by saying sorry I have not been blogging. I have been so tired, and busy around the house lol. But recent things that have been going on in my life. Hummmm. Well to start off with, my sweet Chi-Chi Mason is turning 2 on September 9th. He is growing up soooo fast.I can not believe it, he grew up so fast!!!!! And Miss Brinkley is almost 6months old. WOW!! I just realized that lol. They grow up too fast. =( Cant believe Baby A is going to grow up that fast. I feel like i try to live everyday with them, and cherish all the moments when they are little (esp with my baby dogs lol) but they still grow up so fast lol. I wish it would just slow down a bit. Here is another great example...... I am 18 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I have a little more than 21 weeks left. This pregnancy has FLOWN BY!!! I CANT BELIEVE IT LOL. Also another example... September 12 I will be married for 6months. Where did that time go? I dont remember seeing my husband for 6 months lol. But anyways I feel like I am ranting.
Soo this month hurricane Irene hit the coast of The Carolina. We live 12 miles from the beach in Jacksonville, North Carolina. We had to go to Greensburo the day before it hit. We came back Sunday afternoon to find alot of trees down and NO power. But thankfully, nothing happened to our house, or our neighbors (they went with us to greensburo). And also there was hardly any damage to our neighborhood at all. That was also great to find.
September is looking like a great month for us tho. As I mentioned earlier, on the 9th, Mason turns 2. On the 12th, we go in for an anatomy scan on Baby A (find out the sex this day too)(also this is the half way point of the pregnancy), And we get a 30 letter to move into our brand new base house. =) We should be all moved in and settles by October. But this is about all i have to say.So Bye-Bye.

Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15, 2011 - 16 weeks pregnant

So this was me at 15 weeks. Im waiting for my husband to get home, so we can take one for this week. !5 weeks was not bad. I felt sick alot, had terrible headaches, my back is starting to hurt, and im getting moody lol. But other than that everything is normal. I dont really see a difference between 14 and 15 weeks. I have gained 3lbs since i became pregnant. My waist has grown a lot, as you can tell lol. About 4-5 inches i think, im not too sure about this one. But since the 15th week, there has been alot of changes. My stomach is hurting quite a bit, im calling the doctor to see what i need to do about this. I cant sleep anymore because of it. But maybe they will tellme something. Or whoever is reading this, can you tell me if it is normal?? It feels like my stomach is getting tighter when i stand up or sit down. And when i go to sleep it feels like the baby is kicking me, but with alot of force, and i dont think it should be doing that yet, or that hard i mean. But if you can answer that question, or call  me that would be awesome lol. But anyways Jeff and I put together the changing table yesterday. It looks great. I will put a picture on here when i finish putting everything together on it. And also I changed the bedroom around to put the craddle in it. Here is this picture, or the new toom, and the bedding itself.
Ok and here are those Pics.
I hope everyone likes them. I am Gwen Cook, my moms friend, Put the momogram On here. She did a Wonderful Job. The White bear in there, I got it from LifeWay Christian Bookstore. They have wonderful things in there for babies. And the Bedroom. This is the new way. I like it. You can also see Masons bed in the corner, beside the craddle. And also the office has turned into a baby room, until we get our new house soon. But for right now this is all i have.

Monday, July 25, 2011

July 25th, 2011

There is so much to blog about. I have not been on here in a while as you can tell lol. I have been to the doctor recently. I heard the babies heart rate again. It was a NICE and STRONG 175. =) It is looking more and more like a baby girl to me every day lol. Since then, I have been having terrible headaches. Someone told me to go get poweraid or gatoraid, that i may be dehydrated. It seems to be working so far. Brinkley and I came back to Alabama For a month, while Jeff went to Cali. Brinkley has had a great time here. It is almost time for it to end tho. But i get to bring Mason home with me, so she can have a play mate. ( Mason is my almost 2 year old Chi-Chi, that hates Jeff so i had to leave him here). But anyways, i added a new adition to the puppy clan haha. Also while I have been home, Brinkley went to the vet. She is very sick. She has to take meds, and eat special food for her tummy. They think she has a stomach empting problem, that will not get better. My poor baby can not do anything without her meds. SHe even knows when it is time to get them. For right now she likes taking them. Hopefully it will stay that way when she is about 14 lol. But this is all i can think of for tonight. I will try to write more tomorrow. Oh and i put up a picture of mason on the side, so go look at him lol.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

trip from bama

So today is July 9th. I am 10 weeks and 1 day pregnant. Im going to change my thing at the top of the page to make it right. I went to the doctor in Alabama on July 1st. This was my first actual doctors appt. I thought I was only going to be about 9 weeks pregnant, but then they put everything in the computer and it came out different.  The due date from the calculator is January 28, 2012. Then we went to the ultra-sound room. Jeff, my Mom, and I got to see Baby A. We have about 4 ultra-sound pictures. I am going to put one up in a second. But the ultra-sound measurment of Baby A said it will be due on February 2nd ,2012 that the baby was measuring a week behind . So it may be a small baby or the due date calculator is wrong lol. Im going with the January one. But all this happened on the first. We told the family on the second of July. They were so excited. We told them in a card that I made. I will scan it  when we get a printer. But it was so cute. I saved one. Ok and here is the ultra-sound picture. I love it. This is the one we gave to all the moms and dads in the card along with a cute saying too. We gathered everyone  for dinner that night and gave it to them before we all ate dinner.  It was pretty cool if I say so myself. But this is my little peanut like I was saying. I love to look at all the time.
Now I am going to put up the baby crib and dressing station and cradle pictures. Cant figure out how to put them together. But the crib and dressing station are the Cocoon 1000 series, this is exactly what it looks like. And this is the cradle. It is a DaVinci Cradle. I have the bedding also. It is blue and brown polka dot to match our bedding in our room. I love both of them. Cant believe we already have most of the big furniture. We also have a changer too. We are going to put it together soon, and i will take a picture of that too.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

June 23rd.

So today I am 7 weeks and 6 days pregnant. This is my recent belly pic. My tummy is now 29.5 inches. Before I was pregnant it was less than 25 inches i think. I have also gained about 5 pounds. I now weigh about 117.4 pounds. I am starting to feel tired alot more. also not as hungry as I have been being. I guess that is winding down. Brinkley is keeping me busy. I have also been having energy spurts. But they only last for a few hours. like right now I think I am going to take a nap. But I am going home in 7 days on the 30th of June. We are telling the families that we are expecting on  saturday the 2nd of July. Im so excited to be going back home for a few days. Gotta go, ill talk to yall in a bit. Oh and I have a Dr. appt in Alabama on the 1st at 9am. So I will post pictures of what we saw on here. Maybe I will get a little picture of Baby Andrews. =)

Friday, June 17, 2011

June 16th.

I went to the doctor on the 15th and filled out 2 hours of paper work. It was so much. It was an intro to parenting. Thought I would see the OBGYN too but that never happened. On the 16th i went back to the doctors office. I got to see the heart beat!!! It was so great! But the only downside was, they would not let jeff in. He was so excited when I was talking about it tho. But it was great! I loved every part of it.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Baby Andrews

I decided to post this after i went home to Alabama, to tell the family. BUT.. I'm going to be a Mommy!!!! Yeah I am so excited. I cant wait. It will be here in February or January. You cant tell in this picture that it is a plus. It is very faint. So i went to my health care doctor on Tuesday May 31, and they called me later that day and told me i was pregnant. Yeah! I'm still so excited. And i told Jeff, he is excited too . Since he is a Marine, he gets deployed alot. He may not be here when it is born. So he is going to miss the first 7 months of its life. But he is excited that we are finally going to be parents. I made a scrap book  page, and this is how i actually told him we are parents. I told him to go look at the scrapbook. That i added a new page to it. He looked. In it was this page, a bib (saying i Love you daddy), and the test i took, and a silver raddle.
This is the page. I like to use alot of colors lol. But he loves it. You cant see it as well as i wish you could. It took me like 25 minutes to make it. I kept getting frustrated with placement. So Brinkley helped me place things. I asked her where do i put this, or what goes next ha ha. Then she fell asleep so I was on my own. But i had fun with it. I have made 6 pages in our scrapbook. I love it. For the most part it is relaxing. But this project i had like 30 minutes before he got home. So as you can tell i was stressing to get it done. My mother gave me the idea, since i do enjoy doing this and being creative. I took the advise, and it turned out great! I'm so glad i did. Also i am going to take a picture of my tummy like most mommy's do and post it on this blog. I have taken one, and i look huge. This is the 1 month mark. I am taking one on June 15. I will be 6 weeks pregnant, and ill also post the heart rate and what not. So we can determine if it is a boy or girl. Tricare wont tell me. lol. But anyways here is the picture. And i look fairly huge
already. But i am going to keep adding to this blog until we tell the families. Enjoy! =)

June 4, 2011
Today i am 5 weeks pregnant . I took a picture. It kinda looks the same. Also I have some maternity pants and clothes that my mom bought me. They look great. Also she got me "The Belly Book", and i have already started it. It is kinda like a journal. You can get it at BAM ( books a million). I would suggest it to everyone. Go get one, and have fun with it. But anyways, I am starting to feel pregnant . I am eating eggs, pickles, and cheese. I have not eaten these things in years. And i do mean years. Bacon makes me sick. So I'm sorry Jeff, I cant cook your bacon anymore. Baby Andrews wont let me lol. Also I am feeling so tired. I need a nap during the afternoon, but Brinkley wont let me. Darn 12 week old hyper puppy lol. But i love her, so I'm not gonna complain. I have also started to forget things, because i just forgot what i was gonna say. WOW, that is terrible. But so far I love feeling like a mommy . I'm starting to look at bedding and picking out names. We think we are going to use the names we have picked out already. Ill tell you when i figure out if it is a boy or girl. And we have started looking at furniture. Since we have a cocker spaniel , and they can be possessive, we are going to do something that was suggested to me. We are going to put a fake baby in the crib in our room, one that cries and what not, and carry it around the house so that Brinkley can get use to it. Hopefully this will help her. She will be close to a  year old when the baby comes , so maybe she wont do anything, and will adjust quickly. But i put up the picture. I'm starting to look pregnant . But gotta go. Post more next week, =)

June 6, 2011
Today my mom sent me some cross stitch and other things. This is one of them. I am going to start it soon. Also today I took a gender prediction test. It was the ring test. I took my wedding band and a string and held it over my wrist first, and then my tummy second. The first time it was still, and then started moving in a circle. The second time is did the same thing, moved in a Circe. This means I may be having a girl!!! I am so excited about this. I'm telling the hubby later. He wants a boy, so it can be a protector. LOL. Typical man I guess. I think Brinkley knows she is getting a brother or sister too. She likes to stare at my tummy, and sleep on it. I'm not sure if that is normal, most people tell me it is, I just think it is cute. =) I am very ready to go to the doctor and hear the heart beat to know for sure if it is a girl. If it is ill be SO happy!!! I always wanted a girl first. We already have a name picked out for both boy or girl . We will share soon, after we tell the grandparents  all of this lol. Now I am putting a belly picture up like normal. I am 5 weeks and 3 days ,I look huge. People tell me this is the way it is suppose to be. So I decided to stop wearing a baggy shirt, so now I'm just showing if off lol. But anyways I'm done for now. TTYL.

June 13, 2011

Today I am 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant . And so far it is nothing but feeling sick. The only thing to make it better right now, is to sleep. I am sick all day now. Never thought I would feel this sick, this much. My poor dog probably hates me for sleeping all day. I cant really eat either. This makes it feel worse. But here is a picture of my belly. I now weigh 116.4 pounds, and my waist (around the belly button) is now 28.5. So I have gotten quite a bit bigger. But im going to take a nap now. talk to you later this week.